Monday, May 30, 2016

From - Your Little Soldier Boy (#2)

Dear Mother,
     I know in my last letter I said I'd be back home before long
And I'm sorry to say it, but it turns out I was wrong
     The reason for that is...Well, it's hard for me to say
But the thing is, mother...I'm not okay
     The truth of the matter is that I am a coward
Because I froze when the bullets showered
     Because with much fear your name I cried
Even though it is to you I have lied...

     I've often written you and only spoken of
Returning home, my bravery, and light things, with love
     Truth is: There are no light things here
Truth is: I'm a coward who only knows fear
     Truth is...I can never come back home, mother
Truth is: This is the last letter you'll get from me; there can't be another

     So tell father I love him, and tell him I'm sorry
And please...Please try and find a way to forgive me
     Tell him of the brave people around me, practically all
Tell him that with courage many men fall
     What he doesn't need to be told is that, in my last fight, I never once fired
What he doesn't need to be told is that with fear I was inspired
     With fear in my heart I sit, frozen I stare
At the bullet whizzing towards me without a care
     Time slows, and as I watch I compose this letter in my head
And then my time is up and I drop down dead

From - Your Little Soldier Boy (#1) )


  1. Such an emotional and carefully written post. Absolutely wonderful as it gets out all of the points you are trying to make. :) Keep up the excellent work!
    Lauren x
