So what is left to be said?
Forcing words out nonetheless
Your brain has long since been squeezed out
Yet still you press
Catching every useless dripping
To stain the page like ink
Clinging to every tenet
To drink
And drink
And drink
Why are you here?
Scrolling again
Just searching for
A place to fit in
Guzzle down their words
Absorb what they say
It doesn't matter if others leave -
You can't trust them anyway
Just keep coming back
To feed your dear vanity
Shut all else out, for you know -
"The only one capable of understanding is me
Yet who are you now?
Lost in everything they've said
Denying what doesn't suit you
While your biases get fed
Let others disagree
Let them cling to their lies
You know the truth
Though the whole world denies
It's their loss if they refuse
To bask in the glory you've shown
It doesn't matter if you're forever
And ever
And ever