Sunday, December 9, 2018

Inclined to Smile

Forego with caution
Lightly judge or don't
Oversimplify it
Call it necessary, I won't

Cold air swirls around me
Inside I am warm
Nightly dreams attack me
Answers in the storm

Undergo the treatment
Cast away your heart
Insist it all was worth it
Nothing tears us apart

Inclined to smile
Harsh winds do blow
Ice grows around me
Little do I know

If it speaks to you
Perhaps you've gone insane
If it pleases me
Life will fill with pain

Inch by inch we travel
Foot by foot we stride
Ill-equipped to function
Cry caution to all that ride

Action of course speaks louder
Telling every nation
I'll fade away now
Overcome with elation

Notwithstanding my floccinaucinihilipilification


Floccinaucinihilipilification: the [action or] habit of estimating something as worthless

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