Sunday, April 22, 2018


Clear word
Sharp sentence
True thought
Cuts like glass

But muddled mind
Twisted wants
Overlapping thoughts
A kind of tasse

Atoms buzzing
World spinning
Mind racing
All is still

History repeating
Feet backtracking
Thoughts overlapping
Such a thrill

Guarded heart
Pumping hard
Shredded nerves
Is this real?

Like broken glass
Fragmented words
Shards re-shapen
Is how I feel

Varying colors
Like changing thoughts
But a broken prism
Is only glass

I'm not a warrior
Just a worrier
All these fears
It's only tasse


Tasse: one of a series of overlapping metal plates in a suit of armor [that form a short skirt over the body below the waist].


  1. Nice. Love learning new words too.

  2. They tore apart my aching heart
    and broke his golden throne
    it drew my soul as black as coal
    his heart made cold as stone
    Jame Sparks is dead they stole my life
    Plunged a knife into his mind And left me on my own

    Lilac Parks

    1. So now you are Lilac
      Botanically 'Syringa vulgaris'
      Syringa - derived from Syrinx:
      A Greek Nymph - fictitious

      She was beautiful and pure
      But was chased by lustful Pan
      To escape him she turned into reeds
      She should have just ran

      For Pan cut the reeds up
      And made panpipes from Syrinx
      And, oh, how she would have screamed
      If only she still had a larynx
      The moral of the story:
      Never flee or hide alone
      But use your voice-box while you can
      Just never to scorn or moan
