Sunday, February 25, 2018


I feel slightly sick to my stomach
I feel mostly wrong in the head
I feel I might be okay
As long as I am dead

To remove the pressure from my mind
I split open my skull
And out sprouted wisdom
Along with stupidity to answer the call

And I know I'm over dramatic
That's why I don't like them to see me cry
And I know I'm bad at making friends
That's why I don't like to try

When divine inspiration hits
Is when I have no pen in hand
When I open my skull
Is when they don't understand

A crack that opens wide
To vomit out a word
And then it shuts up tight
To devour what it heard

And they swing out of sync
While he smiles up at me
And we pray and we sleep
And long to be free

But what has us trapped
Aside from our own head?
What keeps us down
Aside from the comfort of our bed?

And I wake up early
So I have time to waste
And we say we're unique
Going copy and paste

And I'm sorry I'm not
Everything you want me to be
And I'm sorry we're not
Always happy

But maybe we could make it
If I could vomit out words in front of you
And maybe someday I will
When the sky's no longer blue

And I feel mostly sick to my stomach
While you pull and I strive
And I feel I might be okay
As long as I'm alive


  1. It is foolish for me to think
    these thoughts are meant for me
    but I will scream and shout and cry
    I need you to be happy!

    I'll wipe my eyes, my mouth, my nose
    and I whisper in my mind
    If only they knew what you know
    There's far too few of our kind

    You are a diamond in the rough
    and I can't bear to lose you
    Like a diamond, you're way too tough
    To let fear and pain devour you


    1. You worry over my smile
      But you'd do well to worry over your own
      My painful words are fiction
      My truths are not shown

      It was not meant for you
      I wrote it weeks before posting here
      Weeks before I knew of you
      And writing it brought no tear

      You cannot lose what you do not have
      I am a rock - not a diamond
      "I touch no one and no one touches me-
      I am a rock - I am an island"

    2. The days, the words go passing by
      I fast and pray and cleanse my mind
      The sooner I stop the faster I die
      I'm running out of thoughts I'm running out of time

      A question I do ponder
      Is stuck inside my mind
      Ever do you wonder or remember
      all the dreams you left behind

      I don't mean to be intrusive
      I wish not to upset you
      My curiosity is starving
      Your words are like a feast


    3. Your words run on and on
      While I observe, wondering and terse
      You always seem to give up
      On the last verse

      Left behind dreams?
      Oh, I am much too stubborn for that
      You seem to think you know me
      Well, that lie is rather fat

      We play our strange game
      You perhaps to escape reality
      I because it's a nice little challenge-
      Having to write truthfully
