Sunday, October 11, 2015

Shining Eyes

Protect her
'Protect who?'
The small girl
With eyes of blue

Bring her home
'Where is she?'
In Who Knows Where
. . . away from me

Make her smile
'Why must I?'
I'm not there
So she may cry

'If she's so sad
Why did she go?'
She doesn't like
To be told no

What if
She's not okay
But I can't help her
From far away?

She's just a child
But she doesn't think so
I want to protect her
But where she is I don't know

So protect her for me
Make her smile
Because for her to be back
May take a while

Keep her safe
Without a tear in her eye
And when you see her next . . .
Don't bother asking why

Because I know why she left
But that doesn't change the fact
That even though I wanted her to stay
Her bags she packed . . .

Little blue eyed girl
Won't you come back home?
This dark earth
Is not a nice place to roam

Let your eyes shine
With happiness instead of tears
Even if far away
I'll love you all of my years


  1. My stone cold heart begins to melt
    My tears begin to flow...

    1. My stone cold heart begins to melt
      My tears begin to flow
      Where he's gone after all this time
      How am I to know?
