Wednesday, September 4, 2024


It’s all just days and days
Losing count while they fly
It’s all an ongoing attempt
To hold the very sky

To grasp these possibilities 
Elusive though they are
To find the unique essence 
Held within each star

We can lay down beneath them
Watch how they shine
We can take our very essence
Learn how they intertwine

How they shift and grow
Together and apart
Complement and contradict - 
Overlapping always at the heart

Time may change all else
As only time may prove
The conviction within the profession: 
Stay with me - all else shall move

If it were but a fleeting fancy
A poetic license gone astray 
Would it have yet prospered to the
1,096th day?

It’s all easy while the stars shine
They say it fades when the sky is matte
But I will love you til it all goes dark -
I will love you even after that

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