Sunday, September 17, 2023


In between each decision 
Do your thoughts bend and sway? 
Over-analyzed everything 
Now it's all turned to gray

Or do you always feel 
Totally unambiguous and right?
Told you every variable 
How they fade from your sight 

In between every ending 
New beginnings prance about 
Knowing this helps nothing 
I'll still cling to every doubt 

Can't it all just be better?
Acknowledging that's a lot to ask 
Never stopped me from trying 
Destined to break or finish every task 

Our days are numbered, our skin is frail 
Time seeps on and on
Holding tight, here and now
Is it worth it once it's gone?

Slow and venomous, they pile up
All the little disappointing things 
Now they inhabit all of it 
Yanking all our strings 

Moving between each decision
Or figuring out how long we can delay 
Risking the inevitable 
Ember shall burn through it all someday 

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