Sunday, June 26, 2022


Before we get started
Understand just one thing -
Things are going to change
Turns out change is something time must bring
Hold tight - you might feel my mood swing

After it's finished 
Take just one lesson away -
Honey, nothing changes
All the mistakes must stay
Still holding - you can feel the ground sway

Begin again maybe
Eventually we'll get it right 
Eventually everything will make sense
Nothing hidden from the light -
Discrepancies bring the swinging into sight

One more time now
Negate all that doesn't fit
Everything paints a perfect picture
Take what you want, the rest we forget -
Only, the swaying won't quit

Dare to sway for awhile
Everything moves, you know
Anchoring down in place
Tears you up when harsh winds blow
Hold tight - pain comes when you grow


  1. Beautiful Celora. sway is how our minds move our day, so grab it when it comes your way .

  2. Acrostic: But that has been done to death!
