Sunday, June 26, 2022


Before we get started
Understand just one thing -
Things are going to change
Turns out change is something time must bring
Hold tight - you might feel my mood swing

After it's finished 
Take just one lesson away -
Honey, nothing changes
All the mistakes must stay
Still holding - you can feel the ground sway

Begin again maybe
Eventually we'll get it right 
Eventually everything will make sense
Nothing hidden from the light -
Discrepancies bring the swinging into sight

One more time now
Negate all that doesn't fit
Everything paints a perfect picture
Take what you want, the rest we forget -
Only, the swaying won't quit

Dare to sway for awhile
Everything moves, you know
Anchoring down in place
Tears you up when harsh winds blow
Hold tight - pain comes when you grow

Sunday, June 12, 2022

No Wounds At All

When I start to feel myself fall
Will you know to catch me?
When I don't know what I feel at all
Aside from anxiety 
If my breath catches in my throat
And I don't know how to stay afloat 
Will you be able to understand
Things that I can't explain
No wounds at all but still feeling pain -
Will you be there to squeeze my hand?

When your smile starts to fade
Will I know how to revive it?
When you're crushed under the choices you've made
And just want to quit
If you've forgotten what you're struggling for
And you don't want to try anymore
Will I be able to be there
In the way that you need 
Not asking for a thing though you bleed -
I'll stay and run my fingers through your hair

When things aren't easy and don't feel right
Will we handle it okay?
When we disagree, will we fight
And watch all the good times fray?
If you build your walls till I can't get through
And I feel fragile and blame it on you
Can it end better than I foresee?
Predicting all the ways things could go wrong 
Try to dispel them, but I'm not that strong -
I'm falling, honey - can you catch me?