Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Oh dear - I'm getting older
How strange it all seems
All the troubles and the changes
To reality and my dreams

The things I wish to cling to
That fade away so fast
My small world that's growing
So very vast -

But wait - I demand a moment
To stomp my foot and proclaim -
"Yes, today's my birthday
But some things are still the same!"

The greenish brown color of my eyes
The dimple in my cheek
The gap between my teeth -
My smile, my ears, my widow's peak -

My love of writing and drawing -
My heart is much the same!
Full for family and friends
Though sadly prone to anger and flame . . .

There are good changes I could make -
Hard as they may be
Improvement requires revision
And there are things I must amend in me

Change is very daunting
But I need to learn to want it
More than the comfort of
What is familiar to my spirit

So let me take a moment
To breathe deeply and proclaim -
"Today's my eighteenth birthday
And nothing's going to be the same"

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Field of Sunflowers

Flooded with light
It entices us to grow -
Elating with love
Lingering on - let it go

Don't shrink away now -
Open towards our sun
Feel it surrounding -
Smiling until we are done

Unwavering and warm
Never to be taken for granted
Flourishing for you -
Oh, these seeds that you planted

We will come back to you - come back to us
Eastward facing once more
Returning always, this
Sun that we adore