When chocolate no longer helps
When the emotions get too strong
When the tears have run out
And everything feels so wrong
I'd like to say, "I'll be there
To help you through the pain"
But I'll be huddled in my bed
Hiding from the rain
I'm no prince charming
No knight so brave
I'm no wonder woman
I don't own a bat cave
I'm just me
And I get scared
I've run away
From people who cared
You see, hearts are so fragile
They so easily break
And my hands are not steady
They so easily shake
Do not hand me your heart
Unless you wish it shattered on the floor
Don't invite me in
Unless you plan to prop open the door
You see, my chest is too strong
My rib cage too thick
My heart must stay put
It is not an apple you can pick
My heart is guarded by Fear
And Expectations
By Worry and Pain
All armed with harsh guns
So, you see, you may not have it
It belongs in my chest
So don't give me yours
If you must, wear a heart-stopping vest
Keep your heart stopped where it is
Or give it to anyone but me
I'm not to be trusted
With your happiness key
When the emotions get too strong
When the tears have run out
And everything feels so wrong
I'd like to say, "I'll be there
To help you through the pain"
But I'll be huddled in my bed
Hiding from the rain
I'm no prince charming
No knight so brave
I'm no wonder woman
I don't own a bat cave
I'm just me
And I get scared
I've run away
From people who cared
You see, hearts are so fragile
They so easily break
And my hands are not steady
They so easily shake
Do not hand me your heart
Unless you wish it shattered on the floor
Don't invite me in
Unless you plan to prop open the door
You see, my chest is too strong
My rib cage too thick
My heart must stay put
It is not an apple you can pick
My heart is guarded by Fear
And Expectations
By Worry and Pain
All armed with harsh guns
So, you see, you may not have it
It belongs in my chest
So don't give me yours
If you must, wear a heart-stopping vest
Keep your heart stopped where it is
Or give it to anyone but me
I'm not to be trusted
With your happiness key