Monday, August 10, 2015


I'm at a loss for words
It seems I've run out
Of thing to whisper
And of things to shout
I feel so useless
So impermanent, you see
Because when I die life will go on
. . . Will anyone remember me?
I want to make my mark on the world
A good mark, of course
And I'm trying so hard
But don't seem to have enough force

I'm so very scared
And I don't always know why
But sometimes I start to shake
And at night I often cry
But why must I cry?
My life isn't bad!
And my grief never stays
Just a passing fad . . .
And that's what scares me
Being a passing thing
I want to be more than that
Go down in history like a king

But what's to be done?
What's been left unsaid?
By now everything's a cliche
Even the thoughts in my own head
So what's the point of trying?
What's the point of it all?
What's the point of raising up
When it just gives you a longer way to fall?
Well, I'm done worrying about all that
I'm too tired to continue, you see
And when I die
It's okay if life goes on without me

Because the thing about living
Is that someday it has to end
But I'll console myself with knowing
That while I lived I was a student, mentor, and a friend
And I think that's pretty good
Maybe even great
Even if I can't go down as a king
I still don't have to leave it up to fate
Because not everyone in the world
Is going to remember me
But I know my friends will
And that's a guaranty