Sunday, February 18, 2024


Just give one more explanation
Until they understand 
Still trying to survive
Taking yet another final stand 

Take a few more for good measure 
Heat them up until you burn
Eat their words so they feel better
Vomit them out and never learn

Out in the real world for a change
If only you could find
Clues to where reality begins
Ending what’s only in your mind

Still searching for the seam 
Intent to tear it apart 
Never could grasp the edges 
Made up of mind and heart

Yank it all down around you
Hitting at the voices in your head
Echoes lashing out 
Aching to be said
Darling, it's time to drown them out, or watch as they spread 

Sunday, February 4, 2024


Today you'll be my inspiration 
Offering myself in return 
How strange a transaction 
Accepting all the highs with every burn
Vast swaths of things we have yet to learn 

Each moment could be a treasure
All lost in time's sea
No ways left to measure
Days piling to eternity 
Take one more for you and me

Once more, forevermore
Hold tight and learn anew -
Of all the things that I adore
Love, they mean naught compared to
Days piling high with me and you