My words sound better coming from my hands -
They flyThey soar
They sing
They dance
And they glide
They're beautiful, when told by my hands
But told by my mouth
They're grotesque -
They fall
They fail
They hurt
They slip
And they die
So reading what I say
You may think you know me
You may think I'm
Beautiful . . .
And listening to what I say
You may think you know me
You may think I'm
Grotesque . . .
In reality I am neither of these people
And also both -
Deep and blunt
Wise and babbling
Understanding and unsympathetic
Magical and pessimistic
And beautifully grotesque
I fly and I fall
I soar and I fail
I sing and I hurt
I dance and I slip
I glide and I die
None of this is literal
This literature I'm writing
And to you
I may sound quite inviting
For you are hearing this all from my hands
And, well, the first line I wrote here still stands