Monday, November 9, 2015

Never Again

Is Some Day just a clever
Way of saying never?
Is a Maybe Later with a cough
Just a way to put me off?
Never Again you vow
But does that mean just not right now?

You make vows as quick as you break them
Going off on a whim
You buy pottery just to crack
You get pillows just to thwack
You have morals just to shake
You woo hearts just to break

Is your smile just a prop?
Can you even stop?
Or are you stuck
Trying to cover the muck
By sprinkling glitter and dazzling us with lights
So we think you've changed and forget all the fights

Well, I'm tired of you breaking my heart
I'm tired of having to restart
So no more tails of woe
To make us pity you and not make you go
No more dazzling lights
To fool us into thinking there'll be no more fights

Your ways are corrupt
Our lives you disrupt
Claiming you have a right
Just because on the outside you dazzle with light
Well, Never Again, I say
And for me that doesn't mean just not today

1 comment:

  1. Very nice..What so many think but have not the power to say.
