Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weak Link

So quiet
Too quiet
Can't hear myself think
There's a ringing
In my ears
That just won't shrink
I hold my tongue
For if I don't
I sink
I ruin
For I'm the weak link

There's a face
In the window
That is me
But I don't
Recognize it
For inside I look differently
I turn away
For I don't
Want to see
For when
I do
I'm filled with such vanity

People say
It's the inside
That's important
Yet still everyone tries
To fix their shells
With such intent
And no one cares
To fix their souls
It's all so bent
I know this yet still
I worry over my shell
And worry not when my morality is spent

I need
Outside noise
So my thoughts will shrink
In the silence
My thoughts are so loud
I can't think
I need to keep away
From my reflection
But I can't blink
In a world
Full of differences
Weakness is our link

There's beauty
To be found
In the simplest things
So much beauty
In a blossom
Yet we'd rather have rings
So much beauty
In a simple life
Yet we'd rather be kings
So much beauty
From time
Yet we cringe as the pendulum swings

We use makeup
To look younger
Or to look older
In our vanity
We yearn to grow
But all it does
Is make us grow
For with such cover up
How can we show ourselves
And not simply shrug a shoulder?

Just enough noise now
To finally manage
To think
I break away momentarily
From my loud thoughts and
Insecurities that won't permanently shrink
I walk away from the glass
But still do not manage,
with my mind's eye, to blink
My last loud thought is -
Will we ever break the weak
And start a new, stronger link?

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Choosing Okay

You can try to change me
You can try to hurt me
You can try to pull everything away

You can try to shake me
Maybe even break me
But here is where I stay

You can try to knock me down
You can try to make me frown
But I'm not leaving here today

You can turn against me the whole town
In my tears try to make me drown
But I'll still be okay

Because I'm bulletproof
Maybe a bit too aloof
And you can go ahead and try to make me pay

But you can't make me goof
My heart is shatterproof
And I won't die down and lay

Not gonna lay down and die
Not gonna let you make me cry
You can't ruin my day

I'm made of thicker stuff, no lie
You can go ahead and deny
But I think you know - You can't make my sky gray

You can pull everything apart
Maybe even break my heart
But I decide what I do here today

You can shoot me with poison dart
But your hateful words can't make me depart
Unless I don't act the best way

I will decide
Whether I give in to hate or pride
You don't choose what I say

In my life I have lied
And, oh, how I've cried
But right now in this moment - I choose to be okay