Sunday, January 31, 2016


Step up
Don't look down
Hold your gaze
For you hold the crown
It's time to prove yourself
Time to show your worth
You've been waiting for this moment
Straight since birth

But now your knees are shaking
Now you feel lightheaded
But something keeps you standing
Determination in you is embedded
You take a step
Even though you're scared to death
You clench your fists to stop them shaking
And take a deep breath

You can do this
You know it to be true
You can fight your fear
And pull through
Your knuckles turn white
Your hearts beating at your chest
But on you stand
And try your best

What courage lies inside you?
What courage have we all?
Even when scared to death
We try our hardest not to fall
Fear can grip our hearts
And freeze us to the spot
But we can continue
To give it our best shot

Sometimes we won't succeed
Sometimes we'll fall down
Sometimes it's hard to get back up
Sometimes we need someone else to hold the crown
Sometimes panic wins
Sometimes it attacks
Sometimes we're too scared
To face all of the facts

But life continues on
And then we soon follow
We all end up facing down the truth
No matter how hard it is to swallow
And that's courage right there
Pushing through day by day
It takes courage to hold on
And courage to allow the loose ends to fray

How amazing is the human race?
Just how grand?
Because through all of life's trials
We continue to stand


  1. Such an inspirational post Celora :) 'We continue to stand' we always keep going because we strive for excellence. This reminds me a bit of the song Human by Christiana Perri!
    Lauren x

  2. Enjoyed this. Thank you.

    1. Thank you very much, Martin Kloess, and you're welcome :)
