Sunday, July 14, 2024


After the clouds have gathered
Notched themselves into the sky
Drunk on liquid thunder
Weary and ready to hang dry

How the rains shall pour down
Atop the flooded plain
Turning the barren soil
Igniting all that isn’t sane 

Forgotten things come crawling 
Ignored thoughts toss about   
Here amongst the lightning 
Are all the fears and every doubt 

Vicious as the thunder 
Echoing inside your skull
Numbing the ragged edges 
Of every flight and fall

Take nothing from this place
Hearing only these unknowns 
In all the liquid lightning
Notched into your bones

Go now, while you can -
Take your breath and run away
Or drown amidst the downpour 
Swelling in the fray 
After the clouds have scattered
You can find dry land some day

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